The Health of Your Pet -
Our First Priority.

The Health
of Your Pet -
Our First Priority.

With the ONLY veterinarian-grade smart collar that continuously informs you on your pet's health, you can rest easy

IoT Breakthrough Award Badge 2025 TailiQ 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Winner of the 2025 IoT Breakthrough Award

for Wearable Technology of the Year

noun gps 7090494 1 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

GPS Enabled

artificial intelligence ai chip icon 1 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

AI Powered

1 0269 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

"It is a natural tendency for pets to conceal their symptoms until it is too late. TailiQ can assist in enabling prompt illness identification."

DVM, DABVP, CVA, LLB, Dr. Asad Daggian.

TailiQ 2.0 gathers the most data possible so that sophisticated AI can more accurately identify health hazards.

Sturdy Data Gathering

Continuous high-frequency monitoring of location, biometrics, and all main vitals

Group 9362 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


Vector 466 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


Group 9541 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Stress Level (HRV)

Group 9277 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


icon Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Calories Burned

icon 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


Frame 16637 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

GPS Location

Group 9362 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
Vector 466 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
Group 9541 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Stress Level


Group 9277 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


icon Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Calories Burned

icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ


Frame 16637 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

GPS Location

Frame 16761 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Analysis Driven by AI

Unique to TailiQ: Using machine learning to offer thorough insights

icon 2 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Activity Score

icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
Union 2 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Wellness Score

icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
Group 7405 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Sleep Score

Group 9357 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Pain Indicator

icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon 2 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Activity Score

Union 2 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Wellness Score

Group 9357 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Pain Indicator

Group 7405 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Sleep Score

Frame 16762 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

All-inclusive Health Information

Alerts and comprehensive analytics to support continuous observation, early identification, and health care

Vector 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Timely Health Alerts

noun trend 6969812 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Observe Trends

Frame 16638 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Compare to Others

Vector 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Timely Health Alerts

noun trend 6969812 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Observe Trends

Frame 16638 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Compare to Others

TailiQ-only technology

icon asterik Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

TailiQ Has You Covered for

Group 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Continuous Monitoring

Group 2 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Early Detection

Group Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

Health Management

Only a few vital indicators are measured by other smart dog collars, making it impossible to establish a dog's general health with accuracy

TAILIQ Health Monitors Activity Trackers
Temperature Green check image Red X Red X
Pulse Green check image Resting Rate Only Red X
Stress Level (HRV) Green check image Red X Red X
Pain Indicator Green check image Red X Red X
Advanced Analytics Green check image Red X Red X
Disease Management Green check image Red X Red X
Alert Notifications Green check image Red X Red X
Respiration Rate Green check image Green check image Red X
Activity Score Green check image Green check image Green check image
Sleep Score Green check image Green check image Green check image
GPS Green check image Green check image Green check image
Health Data Collection Rate Every 2 Min.
Once A Day
Method Of Pulse Detection Acoustic
Emits Ultra
High Frequency
mobile table 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
HuskiDog 2 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

The only smart collar that is sufficiently sophisticated for medical research is TailiQ.

GPS Monitoring To
Ensure Your Dog Never Gets Lost

Vector 3 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

GPS tracking is a need, not an extravagance.

Group 3 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

LTE transmission and high-frequency updates guarantee that you are always aware of your dog's location.

file 19 1 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
file 19 1 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
The TailiQ 2.0 Smart Collar receives a rating of 4.8 stars from us.
Frame 16665 1 Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ

“In general, the TailiQ 2.0 smart collar is a fantastic tool to consult between regular veterinary examinations and helps dog owners better understand their dog's health. You may spend more time being present and appreciating the time you spend with your dog by investing in a device that will monitor your dog's health.”

Kim, Jessica. August 20, 2024

30day Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
built Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
warranty Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ
water Monitor Your Pets Health with TailiQ